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District Three

Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. For additional information please contact the Equal Opportunity Office.

If you need special accommodations under the American with Disabilities Act or require translation services (free of charge) please contact the person listed in the notice at least seven days before the meeting.

Technical Review and Award Committee Meetings
District: Three
Meeting Type: Meeting
Location Name: Florida Department of Transportation, District Three Office
Street Address: 1074 Highway 90
City: Chipley

District: Three
Meeting Type: Meeting
Date: Monday, April 07, 2025
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location Name: Florida Department of Transportation
Street Address: 1074 Hwy 90
City: Chipley
Purpose: The Access Management Review Committee will review certain proposed deviations from access management and median opening spacing standards to include: access management, driveway, and median opening issues not resolved in the District’s staff level review and full movement median openings not meeting the spacing standards in Rule chapter 14-97, F.A.C. by a threshold of 10% or more.
Primary Contact: Stephanie Kay
Primary Phone: 850-330-1233
Primary E-Mail:
Additional Contact: Tenille Fielding
Additional Phone: 850-330-1260
Additional E-mail:
Expires: 4/8/2025

S.R. 173 (Blue Angel Parkway) PD&E Study Hybrid Public Hearing
District: Three
Meeting Type: Hearing
Date: Thursday, April 10, 2025
Time: 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Location Name: Myrtle Grove Baptist Church Worship Center
Street Address: 5920 Lillian Highway
City: Pensacola
Purpose: The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) will hold a hybrid public hearing concerning the S.R. 173 (Blue Angel Parkway) PD&E Study in Escambia County, on Thursday, April 10. The hearing will begin with an open house from 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. (CDT), followed by a formal presentation and public comment period beginning at 6 p.m. Citizens are encouraged to attend the virtual public hearing at Those who are unable to participate virtually may attend the hearing in person at the Myrtle Grove Baptist Church, Worship Center, 5920 Lillian Highway, Pensacola, FL 32506. Pre-registration is required for the virtual format and encouraged for in-person attendees. This hearing is being held to provide interested persons an opportunity to review the results of the study and to provide input on the proposed improvements including widening S.R.173 (Blue Angel Parkway) from two to four lanes, between U.S. 98 (S.R. 30) and S.R. 297 (Pine Forest Road), in Escambia County. S.R. 173 (Blue Angel Parkway) is an important north-south roadway connecting Naval Air Station Pensacola to Interstate 10. This critical corridor serves approximately 21,000 drivers daily. The total distance of this study is approximately seven miles. Maps, drawings, and other information are available for review beginning at noon (CDT), Thursday, March 13, online at and on-location from Thursday, March 13 through Sunday, April 20, at the West Florida Public Library, Bellview Branch, 6425 Mobile Highway, Pensacola. The project materials may also be viewed by contacting the FDOT Project Manager Alan Vann, at (888) 638-0250, ext. 1523, by email at, or by mail at 1074 Highway 90, Chipley, FL 32428. All comments provided, or postmarked, on or before Sunday, April 20, will become part of the official record. This hearing is being held without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation services (free of charge) should contact the FDOT project manager.
Primary Contact: Alan Vann, Project Manager
Primary Phone: (888) 638-0250, ext. 1523
Primary E-Mail:
Additional Contact: Ian Satter, Public Information Director
Additional Phone: (850) 330-1205
Additional E-mail:
Expires: 6/7/2025

S.R. 196 (Bayfront Parkway) Multi-Use Path Hybrid Public Meeting
District: Three
Meeting Type: Meeting
Date: Tuesday, April 22, 2025
Time: 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Location Name: Pensacola City Hall
Street Address: 222 West Main Street
City: Pensacola
Purpose: The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) will hold a hybrid public meeting concerning the S.R. 196 (Bayfront Parkway) multi-use path project in Escambia County on Tuesday, April 22, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. (CDT). Citizens are encouraged to attend the virtual meeting at Those who are unable to participate virtually may attend the meeting in-person at the Pensacola City Hall, 222 West Main Street, Pensacola. Pre-registration is required for the virtual format and encouraged for in-person attendees. The same materials will be presented for each format. The intent of this project is to construct a 12-foot multi-use path along S.R. 196 (Bayfront Parkway) from South Tarragona Street to North 14th Avenue. No additional right of way is required. Bids for construction are scheduled to occur mid-2026. Maps, drawings, and other information will be on display. FDOT representatives will be available to discuss proposed improvements, answer questions, and receive comments. This meeting is being held without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status.
Primary Contact: Amy Heikkinen, P.E.
Primary Phone: (850) 845-0317
Primary E-Mail:
Additional Contact: Ian Satter, Public Information Director
Additional Phone: (850) 330-1205
Additional E-mail:
Expires: 6/7/2025

District: Three
Meeting Type: Meeting
Date: Monday, May 05, 2025
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location Name: Florida Department of Transportation
Street Address: 1074 Hwy 90
City: Chipley
Purpose: The Access Management Review Committee will review certain proposed deviations from access management and median opening spacing standards to include: access management, driveway, and median opening issues not resolved in the District’s staff level review and full movement median openings not meeting the spacing standards in Rule chapter 14-97, F.A.C. by a threshold of 10% or more.
Primary Contact: Stephanie Kay
Primary Phone: 850-330-1233
Primary E-Mail:
Additional Contact: Tenille Fielding
Additional Phone: 850-330-1260
Additional E-mail:
Expires: 5/6/2025

District: Three
Meeting Type: Meeting
Date: Monday, June 02, 2025
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location Name: Florida Department of Transportation
Street Address: 1074 Hwy 90
City: Chipley
Purpose: The Access Management Review Committee will review certain proposed deviations from access management and median opening spacing standards to include: access management, driveway, and median opening issues not resolved in the District’s staff level review and full movement median openings not meeting the spacing standards in Rule chapter 14-97, F.A.C. by a threshold of 10% or more.
Primary Contact: Stephanie Kay
Primary Phone: 850-330-1233
Primary E-Mail:
Additional Contact: Tenille Fielding
Additional Phone: 850-330-1260
Additional E-mail:
Expires: 6/3/2025

District: Three
Meeting Type: Meeting
Date: Monday, July 07, 2025
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location Name: Florida Department of Transportation
Street Address: 1074 Hwy 90
City: Chipley
Purpose: The Access Management Review Committee will review certain proposed deviations from access management and median opening spacing standards to include: access management, driveway, and median opening issues not resolved in the District’s staff level review and full movement median openings not meeting the spacing standards in Rule chapter 14-97, F.A.C. by a threshold of 10% or more.
Primary Contact: Stephanie Kay
Primary Phone: 850-330-1233
Primary E-Mail:
Additional Contact: Tenille Fielding
Additional Phone: 850-330-1260
Additional E-mail:
Expires: 7/8/2025

District: Three
Meeting Type: Meeting
Date: Monday, August 04, 2025
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location Name: Florida Department of Transportation
Street Address: 1074 Hwy 90
City: Chipley
Purpose: The Access Management Review Committee will review certain proposed deviations from access management and median opening spacing standards to include: access management, driveway, and median opening issues not resolved in the District’s staff level review and full movement median openings not meeting the spacing standards in Rule chapter 14-97, F.A.C. by a threshold of 10% or more.
Primary Contact: Stephanie Kay
Primary Phone: 850-330-1233
Primary E-Mail:
Additional Contact: Tenille Fielding
Additional Phone: 850-330-1260
Additional E-mail:
Expires: 8/5/2025

District: Three
Meeting Type: Meeting
Date: Monday, September 08, 2025
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location Name: Florida Department of Transportation
Street Address: 1074 Hwy 90
City: Chipley
Purpose: The Access Management Review Committee will review certain proposed deviations from access management and median opening spacing standards to include: access management, driveway, and median opening issues not resolved in the District’s staff level review and full movement median openings not meeting the spacing standards in Rule chapter 14-97, F.A.C. by a threshold of 10% or more.
Primary Contact: Stephanie Kay
Primary Phone: 850-330-1233
Primary E-Mail:
Additional Contact: Tenille Fielding
Additional Phone: 850-330-1260
Additional E-mail:
Expires: 9/9/2025

District: Three
Meeting Type: Meeting
Date: Monday, October 06, 2025
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location Name: Florida Department of Transportation
Street Address: 1074 Hwy 90
City: Chipley
Purpose: The Access Management Review Committee will review certain proposed deviations from access management and median opening spacing standards to include: access management, driveway, and median opening issues not resolved in the District’s staff level review and full movement median openings not meeting the spacing standards in Rule chapter 14-97, F.A.C. by a threshold of 10% or more.
Primary Contact: Stephanie Kay
Primary Phone: 850-330-1233
Primary E-Mail:
Additional Contact: Tenille Fielding
Additional Phone: 850-330-1260
Additional E-mail:
Expires: 10/7/2025

District: Three
Meeting Type: Meeting
Date: Monday, November 03, 2025
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location Name: Florida Department of Transportation
Street Address: 1074 Hwy 90
City: Chipley
Purpose: The Access Management Review Committee will review certain proposed deviations from access management and median opening spacing standards to include: access management, driveway, and median opening issues not resolved in the District’s staff level review and full movement median openings not meeting the spacing standards in Rule chapter 14-97, F.A.C. by a threshold of 10% or more.
Primary Contact: Stephanie Kay
Primary Phone: 850-330-1233
Primary E-Mail:
Additional Contact: Tenille Fielding
Additional Phone: 850-330-1260
Additional E-mail:
Expires: 11/4/2025

District: Three
Meeting Type: Meeting
Date: Monday, December 01, 2025
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location Name: Florida Department of Transportation
Street Address: 1074 Hwy 90
City: Chipley
Purpose: The Access Management Review Committee will review certain proposed deviations from access management and median opening spacing standards to include: access management, driveway, and median opening issues not resolved in the District’s staff level review and full movement median openings not meeting the spacing standards in Rule chapter 14-97, F.A.C. by a threshold of 10% or more.
Primary Contact: Stephanie Kay
Primary Phone: 850-330-1233
Primary E-Mail:
Additional Contact: Tenille Fielding
Additional Phone: 850-330-1260
Additional E-mail:
Expires: 12/2/2025