This web site provides data and pictures from traffic counting devices
at various locations on Florida's highways. The intended use of this
site is for emergency response personnel's coordination of traffic
flow. In other words, if you are working with the Emergency
Operations Center, Emergency Management, Law Enforcement, National Guard,
etc., this site's information may be of use to you. However, if you
came to this site to plan your vacation or your best route to work for the
day, this site's information is probably not going to be very useful.
Upon opening the site
you should see the main page.
- Main Page

Depending on the icon you selected and the available data you may see
one of the following in the Counter Data Page:
- Counter Data
Page with no historical data.

- Counter Data
Page with no current data.

- Counter Data
Page with historical averages for a selected month and day of

- Counter Data
Page comparing current counts with historical averages.
There are links (circled in red) to the Graph
Page in the column headers.

- Counter Data
Page comparing current counts with historical averages with
available camera images.
There are links to the Graph Page in the
column headers.
There is a link (circled in red) to the Image
Player Page .

- Graph

- Image
Plays a 4 second animation loop of camera images (16 images at 4
frames per second).
